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Goto Denjo Kogai



Although I am not given to hyperbole, this piece is one of the nicest that I have come across, both in quality and condition.  From the Bob Erber collection.  A man noted for his finickiness about quality and condition. Because it had been given to an auction, for relief efforts, I was able to get it for a fraction of its value, and as is my wont, I am going to pass the savings along. 

This has now been certified by the NTHK as Goto Denjo, the second son of Goto Tokujo, and the fourth master of the Kibei line.  He died in 1712.  Haynes, The Index of Japanese Sword Fittings and Associated Artists H.0391.0   Wakiyama, Tosogu Meiji Taikei Vol. II, pages 177 - 179.  As such the price has increased to cover the cost of shinsa and certification.                                            


NTHK Kanteisho



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