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Bizen Moritoshi Ko Tachi



A Nambokucho Kodachi with an orikashimei, Bishu Osafune Moritoshi. Hawatare: 1 shaku 6 sun (48.48 cm or 19.09").  Motohaba: 2.54 cm.  Sakihaba: 1.79 cm.  Kasane: 5.7 mm.   Shinogizukure,  iroi mune, chu-kissaki, bo hi ending in kakedome, and soe hi.  The hamon is gunome and gunome togare slightly midare in groups of two.  There are ashi, yo, very fine ha nie, sunagashi and knisuji. The jigane is itame nagare, with areas approaching ayasugi.  In fresh polish, mounted in shirasaya, with gold foil tachi habaki.  NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon specifying jidai Nambokucho makki (closing years)

This is the work of Moritoshi, who worked around Shitoku (1384 - 1387), and was student of Bishu Osafune Mitsuhiro.  Both were of the Kozori school of Bizen.