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Gendai Wakizashi



Higo Kuni Ju Kanetsugu Saku Kore / dated  Heisei roku nen hachi ni gatsu kichi jitsu (a auspicious day in February 1995).  Hawatare:  1 shaku 2 sun 1 bu 5 rin (36.83 cm / 14.5").  Motohaba:  3.56 cm.   Kasane:  7.1 mm. Gunome midare, ashi iri, kisuji, nado.  Moist itame hada with jinie and small chikei, nado.   Mounted in shirasaya with an extremely heavy solid silver habaki.

Akamatsu Taro Kanetsugu, of a prominent family of Kyushu smiths, who are noted to make their own tamahagane.                                           



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