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Kanetsune Wakizashi


An ubu, slightly machi okure sue koto Mino wakizashi signed nijimei, Kanetsune, with an unusual sugata.  Shobuzukure without a yokote omote, and a hirazukure on the ura. Hawatare 1 saku 2 sun 7 bu (38.48 cm / 15.15")   Motohaba: 2.782 cm.    Kasane:  5.49 mm. Suguba in konie deki.  Ha nie small sunagashi, kinsuji, nado.   Itame nagare masame, jinie, bo utsure.  In new polish, niju gold foil habaki, shirasaya, NBTHK Hozon kanteisho. 

There is a cluster of Kanetsune in sue koto.   Many rate double circle in the Meikan, and relatively high points in Hawley, but there are few signature references.  So the work has to speak for itself.      $3,750                  

Bo Utsure & Kinsuji



Hanie                                                                                                                                                             Hataraki



NBTHK Hozon Kanteisho

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