Large Sukashi Jumon Tsuba
A large moku sukashi jumon tsuba with Heianjo style brass inlay, much of it missing, but the inscribed patterns are clear and attractive. 9.03 cm x 8.89 cm x 5.3 mm. I suspected that the tsuba may have been altered to accommodate a kozuka, but the rust on the short cross bar is concomitant with the rust in the chukensettsu. Very good color. It is my opinion that this is early Edo Satsuma work. A similar example is found in Haynes catalogs 1981 & 1982. His comments, " The attached part of the kozuka ana now cut away as is the side of the seppa dai (Done long ago). This shape with style of inlay is very rare. --- Circa 1650". I do not believe that this piece was cut away, as there is no remnant of the kozuka ana.
Haynes catalog 1981 #10 & 1982 #24