Masatsune Katana
An ubu Owari Katana by the eighth generation Masatsune, signed ____ ju Masatsune, and dated Kaei ni nen ni gatsu hi. (a day in February, 1849). Shinogizukure, toriizori, iroi mune, chu kissaki. Hawatare: 2 shaku 2 sun (66.66 cm / 26.25"). Bright chu-suguba in konie. Boshi is chu-maru. The jigane is a tight itame hadatatsu. Mounted in shirasaya, with sayagaki by Yoshikawa Kentaro, head of the NTHK, something not commonly seen. niju gold foil habaki.
This is the eighth generation of a line of nine smiths founded by Owari Masatsune in Keicho. The workmanship is similar for all generations, varying only in quality. The shodai produced juyo class swords. $3,500