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No Rust Steel Katana


A rare historic collectable.  A mid-Miji (early 20th century or late 19th century) no rust katana (stainless steel).   Signed Yoneyama, with an artful horimono, 0f the Buddhist sutra, 南無妙法蓮華経 (Namu Myoho Renge Kyo).  Hawatare: 2 Shaku 0 Sun 4 bu 3 rin  (61. 9125 cm / 24.375").  Motohaba:  3.144 cm. Sakihaba: 2.227 cm.  Kasane: 6.94 mm.   Weak chu suguba, muji hada.  Other examples tat I have seen, have been pretty much plain Jane cutlery.  This would appear to have been a special order. 

During Meiji, responding to Perry and the Black Ships, the Japanese spent a good deal of time and energy exploring and adapting western technology.  This was one of the less successful adaptations, due to the inability of stainless steel to be adequately tempered.   

It needs to have a new shirasaya, just a bare blade in a Styrofoam tube for a saya.                                                                       $2,200


南無妙法蓮華経 (Namu Myoho Renge Kyo)                        Yoneyama                                       

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