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Nobutaka Wakizashi


An early, large, eighth generation Nobutaka wakizashi.  Signed, Shimizu Jinnoshin Nobutaka.  Dated, Kansei go nen ni gatsu hi (a day in February 1794).  Shinogizukure, iroi mune, extended chu-kissaki, ubu, one mekugiana.  Hawatare: 1 shaku 6 sun 5 bu (50 cm / 19.64")  Motohaba: 2.73 cm.  Sakihaba: 2.14 cm.  Kasane: 6.3 mm.  Nie deki o-gunome within o-notare, crab claw patterns, yo, and some ashi, nado.  The nioi line is thicker than generally seen in Owari smiths.  The jigane is a bright tight ko-itame, with a hint of masame.  Masame in the shinogi ji.  The boshi  has koichigaiba, ko-maru and an extended kaeri.  In excellent Japanese polish, shirasaya, with niju gold foil habaki.  NBTHK Hozon kanteisho.  Valued at 2,200,000 yen in Toko Taikan, by Tokuno.

The Nobutaka smiths worked in Owari province, and in the Mino tradition.  From Nambokucho times there was a good deal of interaction between the smiths in Owari and Mino provinces.  Eighth generation Nobutaka dated works range from Kansei 5 (1794) to Bunka 2 (1805).  $2,800


Tight ko-itame, with a hint of masame.  Masame shinogiji.  Crab claw gunome within notare.


NBTHK Hozon Kanteisho



Toko Taikan

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