Tegai Katana
An exceptionally fine katana o-suriage attributed to Tegai Kaneyoshi. Shinogizukure, iroi mune, slight sakizori, chu kissaki. Hawatare: 2 shaku 0 sun 3 bu (62.73 cm / 24.7"). Motohaba: 2.75cm. Sakihaba: 1.81`cm. Kasane: 6.4 mm. A bright strong suguba in konie deki, hanie, kinsuji and long nijuba, nado. Masame, Itame nagare with mokume mixed in here and there, jinie strong chikei, nado. The boshi is a sharp V looking, with a kaeri close to being a yakizumi. There are nijuba of konie on both sides. Mounted in shirasaya with a niju solid silver habaki, NBTHK Hozon. Valued at 4,500,000 yen in Toko Taikan by Tokuno.
A product of later Nambokucho times, the workmanship is what I would have expected to see from Kamakura, this blade is stellar,
Chikei. Mokume, Masame, Itame Nagare
Long Nijuba & Mokume
Sunagashi Ha Nie
Nie Nijuba
Toko Taikan