Yamato Shizu Naginatanaoshi
O-suriage naginatanaoshi. Hawatare: 1 saku 5 sun 5 bu (46.968cm or 18.49 inches). Kitae: Itame in o-itame hada with nagare hada mixed in. Hada tatsu. Ji-nie and chikei. Hamon: Nie deki, sugaba based slightly notare, gunome and such mixed in. Ashi iri. Hotsure, uchinoke, kinsuji, hotsure mixed in. A good deal of hataraki. NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon kanteisho.
Koshirae: The tsuka is wrapped in black ito over same of excellent size, color, and clarity, The fuchi-kashira are Mino from early Edo, gilt flowers on a shakudo nanako ground. The menuki are good quality floral patterns of gold and shakudo, and may well be related to the kozuka-kogai. The futakoromono is signed Goto Senjo, 1623 -1692, the fourth son of Goto Kenjo. The gilt tsuba, in the namban style, shows dense woods. The two piece habaki is gold foil and shakudo nanako mon.
Shizu means Kaneuji. Kaneuji originally worked
in the Tegai style in Yamato province during the years 1313 - 1315, his works
from that time are referred to as Yamato Shizu. However, there are works, such
as this one, that exhibit the characteristics of Nambokucho, that nonetheless
have been attributed to Yamato Shizu. At that time he used the Yamato
. He then studied with Goro Nyudo Masamune, after which he changed his signature
to Kaneuji, using the Mino Kane,
He is thought by many to be the best of the Masamune Jutetsu, the ten students
of Masamune. His students set up their forge at Mount Naoe, and became known as
Naoe Shizu.